> The Content-Length header in the above 206 response is not from Tomcat.
> Tomcat's DefaultServlet does not calculate the whole size of the parts
> and does not set content-length, and the file size is much more than
> fits into the buffer.
> So it would use  Transfer-Encoding: chunked  in its response and not
> the one that you cited.
> There must be some proxy in the way that buffers the data and sends
> them as one response instead of chunks. HTTPD? Was there some option
> in it that disables chunked encoding when interacting with IE?

Well, i don't know so much, but that doesn't have to do with chunked
encoding, but Partial Content support, right ?
And partial content is requested by client (IE) if Content-length is
very big ( I guess ... )
Maybe, IE requests a PDF file (GET) and  if it sees a Content-length
very big , cuts downloading and re-send a GET request with a range of

Chrome looks to perform something like that behaviour

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