Cross posting intentionally, because our long time users list supporters might want to comment as well.

A few months ago a new Web Server committer, Daniel Gruno, suggested to use a commenting system as part of the online documentation. He wanted to include the disqus system. Some of his fellow committers were not very glad with using an external system for the users comments and he sat down and wrote an ASF commenting system. It is now running as an ASF service under

It allows users to add comments to documentation pages. Comments without URLs and HTML tags are going live immediately without moderation, the other ones need moderation first.

We are using it in the web server project since a few months and we observe close to no spam. Comment activity isn't to high, about 1 comments per day. Some of those are not actually docs comments and they are responded by referring the users to the users list. Some of them are really useful because they help to clarify and improve documentation. In the meantime, the trafficserver project also uses the feature.

The comments are not meant to stay forever. Important content should be integrated into the docs.

Technically the commenting is done by adding a few lines of html and inline JavaScript to each page, which then calls For the Tomcat docs this can be done by adding those items to the XSL stylesheet used to generate the HTML pages.

I prepared a simple demo at:

It would be nice if you would have a look and we would discuss, whether we find it useful or not. The patch for build.xml and the xsl that I applied to build the comment enabled docs can be found at

A final version would include a reference to instead of The JavaScript checks the host header in order to disable the feature if the docs are running on a different server, e.g. inside a localhost Tomcat etc.



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