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On 1/3/13 10:54 AM, John Rellis wrote:
> I am using apache 2.2.3 and mod_jk as a load balancer for two
> tomcat 7 instances over AJP 1.3.

Which exact version of mod_jk are you using? I'm guessing you are
stuck on httpd 2.2.3 because of your package-manager? That's quite old.

> I am attempting to use the ping_mode option to enable workers to
> be disabled when there is a tomcat out of memory error on one of
> the workers.
> To test initially, I have set a ping_mode=A and it is my
> understanding that this will ping the AJP connector every 100
> seconds and mark the worker as in error if it is not responding.

ping_mode=A will ping the worker all the time: after a new connection,
before each request, and periodically.

> However, when I shutdown one of the workers, wait for a few minutes
> without attempting connection, the worker does not become marked as
> in error on my mod_jk status page.

How long is "a few minutes"?

> Are my assumptions that shutting down the worker should see it
> marked as in error on the jk status page correct?
> Do I need to add anything to my "pre-ping_mode" tomcat
> configuration to get this to work?
> Do I need to add extra worker.properties configuration to get this
> to work?
> Here is a sample from my worker.properties
> worker.ajptemplate.type=ajp13 
> worker.ajptemplate.socket_connect_timeout=10000 
> worker.ajptemplate.ping_mode=A

You have not set any of the following:


The default for the first one is based upon the value for
ping_timeout. The defaults for the latter two are both 0 (zero).
Therefore, all these values are 0 for your setup.

Barring any bugs in your version of mod_jk (depends upon your
version), that should effectively disable periodic connection-pinging,
leaving you with only CONNECT and PREPOST testing.

Your ping_timeout is infinite (default=0=infinite) so depending upon
exactly what is happening with your Tomcat instance, you may wait
forever to set the worker to IN_ERROR.

- -chris
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