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On 1/30/13 4:44 PM, Patrick Flaherty wrote:
> We are testing our complete app with 64 bit JVM and 64 bit Tomcat
> and so far we have seen no issues. My question is how prevalent is
> the deployment of 64 bit enterprise apps. (just to show my
> naiveté). We use some open source tools and look to use more in the
> future. Is there things I should be worried about in moving to 64
> bit in terms of open source tools?

We have been using 64-bit in development and will be deploying to
64-bit in production this quarter: we have not seen any problems at
all when switching architectures.

One thing you have to realize is that all your pointers will be twice
as big. Java uses a lot of pointers, so your nominal memory footprint
will /increase/ merely by switching to a 64-bit JVM.

What we've decided to do (at least temporarily) is to use "compressed
OOPs"[1] which basically means that Java references will not take
64-bits but they will take 32-bits instead. This reduces the memory
required by a 64-bit JVM but still gives you access to more than 4GiB
(more like 2GiB) or heap space. It should also give you slightly
better performance because shipping-around 32-bit values is quicker
than shipping-around 64-bit values (at least in bulk it is).

We don't need huge heaps. We don't even need to max-out a 32-bit JVM's
heap. But, we suspect that 64-bit JVMs will be where most of the
effort goes into optimization in the future so we're moving to 64-bit
sooner rather than later.

I hope it goes well for you.

- -chris

[1] https://wikis.oracle.com/display/HotSpotInternals/CompressedOops
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