On 30/05/2013 21:04, Nick Williams wrote:
> On May 29, 2013, at 6:58 AM, Pid wrote:
>> On 29/05/2013 00:24, Nick Williams wrote:
>>> Guys,
>>> Can some of the fine experts on this list double check my
>>> assertions below and let me know if I'm going wrong anywhere? I
>>> hope I got it all right. :-)
>>> Assertion #1 If metadata-complete="true" is present in the
>>> deployment descriptor: A) The container does NOT scan
>>> /WEB-INF/classes for annotations, B) The container does NOT scan
>>> /WEB-INF/lib JARs for ServletContainerInitializers,
>> "The metadata-complete and invocation of
>> ServletContainerInitializers are independent."
>> https://java.net/jira/browse/SERVLET_SPEC-36
> Thanks. I'm assuming that I got everything else correct since this is
> the only thing you corrected and nobody else replied.

Or pid just stopped at the first invalid assumption ;)

> But I want to make sure I understand the discussion at this link
> correctly. Rajiv says here: "Ordering does not apply to
> ServletContainerInitializers." Is that really correct? There's really
> no way at all to order the invocation of
> ServletContainerInitializers' onStartup methods??? Mark, you seemed
> to be involved in this discussion a lot. Is this really true???

If that is what the spec lead says then yes. Tomcat will process them in
the order they are found: i.e. respecting the fragment order but you
can't rely on a) any other container doing the same, b) Tomcat
continuing to do the same (although it is unlikely to change unless a
spec feature mandates a change)

>>> C) The container does NOT scan /WEB-INF/lib JARs for
>>> web-fragment.xml files

False. The scan still occurs because the ordering elements determines
whether or not SCIs are scanned for.

, and D) The container does NOT scan
>>> /WEB-INF/lib JARs for annotations.
>>> Assertion #2 If class loading is configured "parent last," the
>>> ServletContainerInitializers in the application are fired before
>>> ServletContainerInitializers provided by the container. If class
>>> loading is configured "parent first", the
>>> ServletContainerInitializers provided by the container fire
>>> before the ServletContainerInitializers in the application.

False. Ordering of SCIs from the container is undefined, as is the
mechanism by which they get added to the app. It is a container specific

>>> Assertion #3 ServletContainerInitializers in the container and in
>>> /WEB-INF/lib JARs are fired before any ServletContextListeners.
>>> The order in which they are fired is determined by
>>> <absolute-ordering> (web.xml) and/or <order> (web-fragment.xml),
>>> but if neither of those are present the order is unspecified.

Listeners defined in a single web[-fragment].xml will be fired in the
order they are defined.

>>> Assertion #4 The init methods of ServletContextListeners declared
>>> in the container, in /WEB-INF/classes, and in /WEB-INF/lib JARS
>>> are all fired BEFORE the init methods of any Filters or Servlets.
>>> The destroy methods of ServletContextListeners declared in the
>>> container, in /WEB-INF/classes, and in /WEB-INF/lib JARs are all
>>> fired AFTER the destroy methods of any Filters or Servlets.
>>> Assertion #5 The init methods of Filters declared in the
>>> container, in /WEB-INF/classes, and in /WEB-INF/lib JARs are all
>>> fired BEFORE the init methods of any Servlets. The destroy
>>> methods of Filters declared in the container, in
>>> /WEB-INF/classes, and in /WEB-INF/lib JARs are all fired AFTER
>>> the destroy methods of any Servlets.
>>> Assertion #6 If any given ServletContainerInitializer is the
>>> first ServletContainerInitializer to be fired when an application
>>> starts up, and that ServletContainerInitializer adds a
>>> ServletContextListener and a Filter to the ServletContext: A) The
>>> Listener it adds will be the first Listener whose init method is
>>> called and the last Listener whose destroy method is called,


>>> B)
>>> The Filter it adds will be the first Filter whose init method is
>>> called and the last Filter whose destroy method is called, and

It depends.  Look for isMatchAfter

>>> The Filter will be the first Filter on the Filter chain, always.


The detail for all of the above is in the spec.


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