
On 25.11.2013 11:08, Mark Thomas wrote:
Unrelated to this issue, I have recently expanded the section of the
docs that covers securing the default applications. The updates will be
in the next release. Until then you can read it via the copy of the docs
built by the CI system:

On a related matter, if one configure file permissions as recommended here:

Manager application will be unusable for deployment by uploading .war files. Automatic war unpacking also won't work. What is the best practice for remote deployment of .war files in such environment?

I usually copy .war file to temporary dir on server using scp client. Then, using ssh client I extract the .war file, chown .war file and extracted folder, and mv .war file and extracted folder to webapps/. I then wait for auto deployer to pick them up. Is there a better alternative to that?

The one question this raises for me is should the Manager application be
limited to localhost be default? I'd be interested in the community's
views on that.

Yes. A lot of Tomcat instances I've seen run under user root. Unfortunately, a lot of users needs Tomcat running on port 80, and they don't have time or knowledge to configure jsvc or httpd. They unfortunately resort to running tomcat as root, forgetting that manager application (and all other deployed webapps) will also have root privileges. So, adding one more level of security by enabling RemoteAddrValve will help security ignorant users, and will take only little additional effort for admins.

I also think it would be very usefull if 401 error page for manager application does not example password "s3cret", but randomly generated long password unique for every request. I guess there is a number of Tomcat instances out there with username "tomcat" and passoword "s3cret", and that needs to be prevented.


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