On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 05:01:32PM -0400, Brandon M. Wagner, Triple Tech Inc. 
> > On Jul 17, 2014, at 3:54 PM, Toby Lazar <tla...@capitaltg.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Say I have an application that uses a properties and/or XML file that
> > changes per environment.  I'd like to create the WAR once and promote it
> > from TES -> STAGE -> PROD without modification.  Is this approach sensible?
> > Is there a recommended approach for externalizing it?  Is it safe to
> > append a folder to common.loader in catalina.properties that contains the
> > properties file and just exclude that file from the built WAR file?
> I have used a properties file per environment by placing it in the lib 
> directory (since it's already in the class path). I still include a 
> properties file in the .war but it looks for an external one in tomcat first. 
> You can incorporate a checksum if you are worried about modifications to the 
> properties file.

I guess you don't want to just set some Context parameters


or Environment entries?


Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
Machines should not be friendly.  Machines should be obedient.

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