On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 10:34 PM,  <sarojkumar.ya...@ril.com> wrote:

> following command on my linux server:

> ab -n 100000 -c 500
> "http://localhost:30080/ESME/StartupServlet?Source_Addr=%2B918895267182&Destination_Addr=121&short_message=recharge+111+asdrfgtyhu12+222&SMS_ID=042040f1-a309-4901-b9f1-3e47bf41c7c2&Received_Time=1416404203&SmscID=smpp-NVMBD01VSR551&MsgCode=0&MsgChar=UTF-8&MsgUDH=”

> But at the output side, my application is receiving more than 100000
> requests.

Aside from not understanding what you mean by "the output side",
that sounds unlikely. How are you determining this?

Can you provide a reproducible test case?

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
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