This is getting off topic. The website that surrounds our website is
available under multiple domains. I.e. They white label their product.

On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 4:52 PM, André Warnier <> wrote:

> Wesley Acheson wrote:
>> Andre that works perfectly fine but not for our use case.
> Ok, thanks for the confirmation. My logical world is back on track now.
> Not to nitpick, but your previous post was the first one in which you
> mentioned SSL as part of the equation, wasn't it ?
> If you still have a moment : in that previous post, you wrote "Its not
> pratical for us to mandate that they buy an SSL cert for every top level
> domain that contains our application."
> Could you in a few words explain why that would be necessary ?
> I guess that I still do not clearly see that use case.  Maybe just having
> a look at the initial page which you mention, could help ?
>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 2:58 PM, André Warnier <> wrote:
>>  Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>>> Hash: SHA256
>>>> André,
>>>> On 3/30/15 6:07 PM, André Warnier wrote:
>>>>  Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>>>>  -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256
>>>>>> Jeffrey,
>>>>>> On 3/30/15 12:19 PM, Jeffrey Janner wrote:
>>>>>>  -----Original Message----- From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:chris@
>>>>>>>>] Sent: Monday, March
>>>>>>>> 30, 2015 10:48 AM To: Tomcat Users List Subject: Re: Post
>>>>>>>> Session Id
>>>>>>>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256
>>>>>>>> Wesley,
>>>>>>>> On 3/30/15 3:57 AM, Wesley Acheson wrote:
>>>>>>>>  On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 2:17 AM, Christopher Schultz <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Wesley,
>>>>>>>>> On 3/29/15 1:15 PM, Wesley Acheson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>  A team I am working with use tomcat 7 as their web container. The
>>>>>>>>>>> application cannot use url session tracking due to compliance
>>>>>>>>>>>> reasons.
>>>>>>>>>>>> One of the requirements we are facing is that the
>>>>>>>>>>>> application should work in an iframe on the safari
>>>>>>>>>>>> web browser, which blocks all cookies.
>>>>>>>>>>>>  Do you mean that Safari has been configured to block all
>>>>>>>>>>> cookies?
>>>>>>>>>> Because Safari won't block cookies just because
>>>>>>>>> you are using an <iframe
>>>>>>>>>  .
>>>>>>>>>>> Should have said its a third party domain name. That
>>>>>>>>>> can't change easily. Should have wrote Safari blocks all
>>>>>>>>>> third party cookies.
>>>>>>>>>>  Okay, that explains it.
>>>>>>>> Let me ask you... why is a path parameter (;jsessionid=f00)
>>>>>>>> unacceptable but not a request parameter? Or if it that you
>>>>>>>> want to have the parameters be in POST-parameters only?
>>>>>>>> In terms of forgery and/or capturing session identifiers, there's
>>>>>>>> really no difference from a security perspective of
>>>>>>>> any of these strategies.
>>>>>>>> - -chris
>>>>>>>>  I may be being a little naïve here, but would the
>>>>>>> sessionCookieDomain
>>>>>>> parameter of the <Context> element work for
>>>>>>> the OP here?
>>>>>>>  No, because the "domain" of the "page" is considered to be
>>>>>> separate from the application being used, here (in an <iframe>).
>>>>>> Setting the domain of the cookie to the page-domain would
>>>>>> probably result in the cookie being (possibly) ignored by the
>>>>>> browser (because it came from the wrong domain) or the cookie
>>>>>> wouldn't be sent to the application because the domain wouldn't
>>>>>> match.
>>>>>> That does bring-up another point, though: could the page-domain
>>>>>> be used to proxy requests through to the application? If so, none
>>>>>> of this work might need to be done. The browser would request
>>>>>> and would proxy through to
>>>>>> It's more configuration and
>>>>>> networking work, but it's less application work which may be a
>>>>>> win.
>>>>>>  Re-reading this thread from the beginning, I still have a doubt as
>>>>> to whether I understand the issue correctly. That is because, as
>>>>> far as I know, an <iframe> within a Windows, is its own Window
>>>>> object, with its own "baseURI" etc.. And from the server's point of
>>>>> view, it is in fact like a separate "browser window", from which
>>>>> requests originate and to which responses are being sent, and it is
>>>>> for all intents and purposes indistinguishable from just another
>>>>> separate Window or Tab that would be opened on the same workstation
>>>>> by the same or another browser. So under what circumstances can a
>>>>> "session-id cookie" being sent by Tomcat to that "iframe Window" be
>>>>> considered as a third-party cookie and blocked by a browser ? (And
>>>>> if it were, would that not be a browser bug ?)
>>>> third-party-cookie-
>>>> problem/
>>>> Wesley, it looks like there are some hacks available that might solve
>>>> your problem.
>>>> Unfortunately, it looks like these hacks are outdated and no longer
>>>> work: WebKit patched this "bug" so that iframe cookies are again ignored
>>>> ..
>>>> It looks like there might be some other possibilities, but I can't
>>>> verify them ATM.
>>>>  So I would consider this as a browser bug.  But nevertheless, that's
>>> how
>>> they work and one has to live with this for now.  So back to the drawing
>>> board.
>>> The question here is : do the browsers reject the cookie
>>> a) just because it is addressed to an <iframe> ?
>>>  or
>>> b) because (while being addressed to an <iframe>) the "domain" part of
>>> that cookie is determined to be different from the one from which the
>>> main
>>> window content is coming ?
>>> If (b), then the easiest solution would be to make it so that it isn't
>>> so..
>>> Let's imagine that the first main page is seen by the browser as coming
>>> from "";, and that this contains an <iframe>
>>> loaded from "";. With the response going to the
>>> iframe, comes a session-id cookie, whose domain portion is also "
>>>", and this is (dubiously in my view) determined to
>>> be
>>> unacceptable by the browser, because it differs from "
>>> So the browser ignores the cookie.
>>> That issue would be solved, if the content of the <iframe> appeared to
>>> the
>>> browser as also come from "" (like the main window's
>>> content), wouldn't it ?
>>> If so, why not make the server "" act as a reverse
>>> proxy for the server, and load the <iframe> from
>>> serverA too ?
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