
I wondering if it's really so good to use Tomcat behind "a real" web
server like Apache or IIS.

In my Tomcat 5 book there are two reasons to do it so:

1. Tomcat is not as secure as common web servers, especially if         you
want  to use CGI and SSI (I don't think I want to)

2. Tomcat is slow delivering static content.

Well, as long it's just planned to use only 1 server for my application,
I don't think the both points are true for me. On the Tomcat site
there's a note about performance:

Not an easy question, I think that the answer to your question is a
mix of personal preferences and, taking into account your application
specifications, whether or not you need from apache something that you
can't have with Tomcat.

I personally started with an apache/tomcat/connector configuration
because the same servers were already serving php/mysql and cgi
applications. We moved then all the tomcat/jsp stuff to its own
servers and I decided to remove apache because:
- it was not required anymore (reason number one) and for me, the
simpler you keep things, the more robust they are. Also, I'm quite
"paranoid" and for me the less stuff you installed, the better
- I had some problems with the mod_jk (timeouts)
- we are not serving static content



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