2015-12-24 17:37 GMT+03:00 Marc Boorshtein <mboorsht...@gmail.com>:
> All,
> I'm having a very strange issue with
> request.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher().forward().  It gives me
> a 404 on a JSP page that if I go to directly, works fine.  This is with
> tomcat 8.0.30 on OSX on JDK :
> ava version "1.7.0_65"
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_65-b17)
> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.65-b04, mixed mode)
> What makes this a bit different is that the request object is wrapped with
> a couple of implementations of HttpRequestWrapper.  The methods that seem
> to matter (getAttribute and setAttribute) are just passthroughs.  After
> doing some debugging, I've traced the main issue to the JspServlet where
> the jspUri variable is being set to the original URI
> (/auth/idp/MyIdP/completeFed) not the forwarded URI
> (/auth/fed/postauthnresp.jsp).  The request being passed into the
> JspServlet's service method is the same request object as is being sent to
> the forward method.
> This code works perfectly well under Jetty as a frame of reference.  Any
> help would be greatly appreciated.

You have to provide the actual source code.

There is an example in the examples webapp that performs forwarding to
a JSP and it works,


Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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