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On 8/8/17 9:36 AM, Zemian Deng wrote:
> Hi, how about extends the 
> "org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase"? or extends 
> "FormAuthenticator" if you are using form based. The base class is
> actually a Valve, thus provide the "Request" object access. And to
> use it, just simply add as a valve in your context xml file. If I
> understand it correctly, this will override the default one.

I'm trying to come up with a more pluggable solution, like I did with
the CredentialHandlers.

Obviously, I can simply write or extend whatever Valve I want and do
anything with it, but having to choose a single type of authenticator
isn't very flexible.

I'd prefer a solution that improves Tomcat for the whole community,
rather than one that merely meets my private needs.

- -chris

> On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 9:09 AM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org>
> wrote:
>> On 08/08/17 14:01, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>> Mark,
>>> On 8/8/17 8:49 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>>>> On 08/08/17 13:44, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>>> <snip/>
>>>>> I have no problem with Tomcat having access to the IP
>>>>> address. I just want Tomcat to make that IP address
>>>>> available to the authenticator component in some way.
>>>> https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=59750
>>>> Implementing that in a way that is truly backwards
>>>> compatible requires a little thought.
>>> I agree that backward-compatibility is a significant issue,
>>> since the Realm interface hasn't changed since ... well, ever.
>>> How about cheating and using a ThreadLocal?
>>> try { tl.set(theRequest) 
>>> authenticator.authenticate(username,password); } finally { 
>>> tl.set(null); }
>>> ??
>> Yuck.
>>> For SecurityFilter, we added a sub-interface that adds more
>>> methods, like this:
>>> authenticate(String username, String password); 
>>> authenticate(String username, String password,
>>> HttpServletRequest req);
>>> Then, the driver does this:
>>> if(realm instanceof ExtendedRealm) 
>>> ((ExtendedRealm)realm).authenticate(username, password,
>>> theRequest); else realm.authenticate(username, password);
>> That could work for 8.5.x and earlier. We can use default methods
>> in Tomcat 9.
>> I was also thinking about the case where a custom component
>> called the Realm (e.g. custom nested Realms). I'm not sure there
>> is one solution that can cleanly handle all use cases. We
>> probably need to go with the majority.
>>> If using the HttpServletRequest itself is architecturally
>>> distasteful, we could use some other kind of data object, or
>>> simply java.lang.Object (which is a little distasteful
>>> itself).
>> I have no problem with using the HttpServletRequest.
>> Mark
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