On 03/10/17 12:38, s v n trimurthulu wrote:
> Hello There,
> At present we are using 7.0.x in our production environment. As we have
> received few CVE alerts we wanted to migrate it to latest version 9.0.x.

I'm not sure if you look at the vulnerability data for the last 12
months that the evidence is there to support that conclusion.

> But when i see the status of the 9.0.x release it is showing "Stable =
> No". So i request you to suggest me whether i  can use the latest
> version(9.0.1) of tomcat in production or not. Thanks in advance.

What you use in production is entirely up to you.

The Tomcat community isn't yet ready to recommend using 9.0.x in
production. How quickly the community is ready to make that
recommendation will depend on the feedback we get on the beta releases.

I'd suggest that you start testing 9.0.x, report and bugs you find and
plan to move to 9.0.x once those bugs have been fixed and the Tomcat
community has declared 9.0.x stable.


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