On 08.01.2018 17:16, Agrawal, Suraj (CORP) wrote:
Thanks Andre for the help,

We are routing the request from IIS 7.5 to Apache using reverse Proxy. It seems 
like Apache is not allowing the authentication nor its accepting the username 
and password passed from IIS.

First a note : IIS will never forward the user password to Tomcat, for the simple reason that IIS *does not know* the user's password. All it knows is a user-id, and that this user-id has been verified and is valid.

Neither does Tomcat need the user's password, in the configuration which you are trying to set up. All it gets (and needs) is the user-id forwarded by IIS, because with 'tomcatAuthentication="false"', Tomcat will "believe and accept" the user-id forwarded by IIS/isapi_redirector, and it will not need to verify it anymore.

--  The AJP connector details in Server to XML were uncommented as shown in below, we 
added tomcatAuthentication="false" and still it was failing with empty username 
and password error.
      <Connector port="8010" tomcatAuthentication="false" protocol="AJP/1.3" 
redirectPort="8443" />

That is correct, as far as the Tomcat side is concerned, and as long as the isapi_redirector (at the IIS level), is configured to "talk to" Tomcat on that port 8010.

-- We are currently on Apache Tomcat 8.0.22, this is installation was part of 
our Siebel application suite, thus could not have all the necessary connector 
setting installed in it. Is there a way we can check and install AJP connector 
on the top of Apache Tomcat we got as a part of Siebel Application.

-- Also with IIS we were using [UserSpecSource = Server] and [UserSpec = 
REMOTE_USER], are they the correct value for Tomcat webserver as well.

I do not know the Siebel application suite, and I have no idea what its own requirements may be, in terms of user authentication. But for the sake of the following, I will assume that this application suite is a "standard webapp", and such that if the user is already authenticated by Tomcat when the Siebel application is called, then that is enough for Siebel, and Siebel can retrieve this user-id from Tomcat itself.

I also have no idea what exact parameters are required at the IIS level, so that it does effectively authenticate the user using Windows Integrated Authentication, when the browser requests one of the URLs which is to be proxied to Tomcat.

I must say however that the "[UserSpecSource = Server] and [UserSpec = REMOTE_USER]" parameters somehow smell wrong to me, because the "[UserSpec = REMOTE_USER]" part, seems to indicate that it is IIS itself which would expect such a "REMOTE_USER" HTTP header to be already present in the browser's request to IIS (which it normally is not, if you are really using Windows authentication between the browser and IIS). But I am no expert on IIS, so I may be wrong. All I'm saying is thus : if there is some configuration choice that more clearly says "use Windows authentication", then use that instead.
(This seems to be a good page to start :

Let me re-use my little schema (and add a bit to it):

browser <--(1)--> front-end (2) <-----(4)---> tomcat (5) <---> webapp (8)
                + proxy module (3)          + Connector(6)

If you are trying to use Windows Integrated Authentication (in other words, you want that the Tomcat webapp (8) runs with a user-id which is the same as the user's Windows Domain user-id that the user used initially to login into Windows), then :

- the user authentication should happen between the browser and the IIS 
front-end (2)
- this authentication will be "transparent" for the user : the user will not see any login dialog. Instead, this login process is something which should happen automatically, in the background, between the user's browser and the front-end webserver. (If the user sees any kind of login dialog, it means that something is not working properly at this level). - the normal result of this will be that IIS now knows the Windows user-id (but not the password) of the user that is using the browser. - then, when isapi_redirector (3) forwards this HTTP request to Tomcat (5) via AJP (4), it will automatically encode this user-id in the forwarded request, as a "hidden parameter" that it sends along with the proxied request. - at the Tomcat level, the AJP Connector (6) will decode the request received from IIS/isapi_redirector, before passing this request to the rest of the Tomcat machinery (including the Siebel webapp (8)). And it is at this level that, if the 'tomcatAuthentication="false"' attribute is present, the AJP Connector will retrieve the user-id (which was encoded in the AJP request), and will create a "Principal" in Tomcat, containing this user-id.
- and then, the webapp (8) retrieves this Principal from Tomcat, and the 
user-id within it.

The key conditions for all this to happen as planned are thus :
- IIS must be set up to authenticate the browser requests, using Windows Integrated Authentication. - the Tomcat AJP Connector must have the attribute 'tomcatAuthentication="false"' set (it already has, so this is ok already) - the webapp must be set up so as to retrieve the user-id from Tomcat (container-based authentication)

To check all this, I suggest that you temporarily get rid of the "Siebel complication" and do the following : create and install under Tomcat a simple webapp (or JSP page), which does just one thing : retrieve the current user-id from Tomcat, and print it as a response. Arrange for the corresponding webapp URL to be proxied by IIS to Tomcat.

And then call this webapp URL from a user browser (through IIS of course). If the setup is correct, then when you call that webapp, it should automatically show the Windows login user-id of the user (without any login dialog happening on the user side).

(I am a terrible Java programmer, and unfortunately unable to tell you exactly how to create such a webapp/JSP; but someone else on this list hopefully can help).

Thanks & Regards,
Suraj Agrawal

-----Original Message-----
From: André Warnier (tomcat) [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2018 9:07 AM
To: users@tomcat.apache.org
Subject: Re: WELCOME to users@tomcat.apache.org


On 03.01.2018 18:31, Agrawal, Suraj (CORP) wrote:
Hi Team,

We are currently working on "Apache Tomcat Version 8.0.22". We are
using Apache to host javacontainer for Rest calls for our Siebel
application. The javacontainer is listening to Port 9001 as below-

<Connector port="9001" redirectPort="8443" connectionTimeout="20000"

We are trying to setup Windows Authentication in Apache by using Reverse Proxy 
with IIS, and have followed the below steps as per the Apache documentation.

---Steps followed :
There are three steps to configuring IIS to provide Windows authentication. 
They are:
1. Configure IIS as a reverse proxy for Tomcat (see the  IIS Web Server How-To).
---- This is done and working as expected

There is a bit of confusing information in the page 
in that it talks (in the title and elsewhere) of the "ISAPI redirector", but then later it mentions "The 
mod_jk module uses the AJP protocol to send requests to the Tomcat containers".  In fact, "mod_jk" and 
"ISAPI redirector" are functionaly the same thing (and probably much the same code), but
- mod_jk is the plugin proxy module to use with an Apache httpd webserver 
front-end (under Linux and/or Windows)
- isapi_redirector is the plugin proxy module to use with an IIS webserver 
front-end (Windows only)

But /both/ use the same protocol to talk with the back-end Tomcat, and that 
protocol is AJP, not HTTP.
So in both cases, what they are "talking to" is the AJP Connector in Tomcat, 
and not the HTTP Connector.

The AJP protocol is somewhat different from HTTP :
- both essentially carry the same information (requests and responses) but
- HTTP carries all its information back and forth in a text form as per HTTP RFC
- AJP encodes some of this information in a binary form (a bit more efficient)
- one of the "binary" parameters which the AJP protocol does transmit from the 
front-end to the back-end, is the authenticated user-id on the front-end, if any.
(HTTP does not normally do this in any standard way).

At the Tomcat level (the AJP Connector), the attribute "tomcatAuthentication" 
(true/false) serves to tell Tomcat to either "believe" (false) the user-id that it 
receives from the front-end through AJP, or to ignore it (true) and do its own authentication 

At the Tomcat level, this "tomcatAuthentication" attribute only makes sense 
with the AJP Connector (and protocol).
See : http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.5-doc/config/ajp.html#Common_Attributes
(tomcatAuthentication AND tomcatAuthorization)

while here : 
this attribute is not mentioned (so if you add it, it will simply be ignored).

2. Configure IIS to use Windows authentication
---- This is done and working as expected

3. Configure Tomcat to use the authentication user information from IIS by 
setting the tomcatAuthentication attribute on the  AJP connector to false. 
Alternatively, set the tomcatAuthorization attribute to true to allow IIS to 
authenticate, while Tomcat performs the authorization.

Right. But on which Tomcat connector did you set this ? (HTTP or AJP ?)

Q1 ----  We were able to configure the reverse proxy with Anon user but the 
Windows authentication is failing at Apache level with below error :-
Thread[http-nio-9001-exec-15,5,main]    [2017-12-27 13:17:12.637] [null] Error 
while login : The username cannot be empty. Please select a username.

Your problem may be there, with this "anonymous" authentication at the IIS level.  Maybe 
the isapi_redirector interprets this as "no user", and transmits an empty user-id to 
Tomcat.  Have you tried with a real Windows-level user-id ?

Q2 ----  Our configuration is using "HTTP" protocol, do we need to change the server.xml 
entry for 9001 to use AJP protocol and then add entry " tomcatAuthentication=False"

Yes, probably.

Q3 ---- Do we need to install AJP connector on top of Tomcat or its installed 
by default, or we do not need it for Windows Authentication.

You do need it.
It is provided by default, but you may need to uncomment the corresponding 
lines in the server.xml file.
Considering your previous statements above, make sure that the HTTP Connector 
(if any) and the AJP Connector (if any) use different ports.
And on the IIS/ISAPI redirector side, make sure that the settings specify the 
(AJP) port.

This is all quite logical, but a bit convoluted, due to the many ways in which 
you can use a front-end with Tomcat, and the many ways in which one can do 
authentication/authorization in the WWW.

I have found that it often helps to draw a schema in advance, such as

browser <--(1)--> front-end (2) <-----(4)---> tomcat (5)
                   + proxy module (3)          + Connector(6)

where :
(1) is the protocol used between the browser and the front-end http server 
(2) is the front-end webserver (Apache httpd or IIS (or others)), which can be 
doing its own authentication/authorization or not
(3) is the proxy module add-on to (2).  There are a number of possibilities 
here, depending on (2) and (4)
(4) is the protocol used between the front-end webserver and Tomcat (HTTP, 
(5) is Tomcat, which can be doing its own authentication/authorization or not
(6) is the Tomcat Connector, which depends on (3) and (4)

Depending on the circumstances and on what you want to achieve in the end, the 
variable elements above allow for a lot of combinations.  And that of course 
makes it rather difficult to provide a fully comprehensive, all-in-one-place 

Thanks & Regards,
Suraj Agrawal

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