Am 26.01.2018 um 12:08 schrieb Rajesh Cherukuri:

we have a existing  running tomcat version 5 running on solaris with out
any issues ,  recently we have  installed tomcat 7 on the same solaris 10
server  with no application deployed , and configured java version as
jre1.6 in  i couldn't start the tomcats after my installation ,
and below is the error what i get when i start tomcat with java1.7  later i
tired the to configure the java version as 1.8 , i still get the same error
but slightly different error but both are failing at "

     can some one let me know if there are any pre-requisites to run a
tomcat on 7 on Soalris  10 ,

there should be no problem running a recent Tomcat 7 with an unchanged Oracle HotSpot Java 6, 7 or 8 on Solaris 10. I regularly do this.

Maybe you unpacked a downloaded tarball using Solaris tar? Solaris tar has a very specific way of handling long path names and is not compatible with gnu tar. Most tarballs noadays are packed using gnu tar and should be unpacked with gnu tar as well. Otherwise files can be missing or created with a wrong file name.

gnu tar for Solaris should be installed under /usr/sfw/bin/gtar.



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