Hi, all. I've stumbled on a situation I need some clarity on. As is typical, there's all sorts of information floating around, most of it more than a decade old, with no indication of what the current status is.

Our team is creating a RESTful API (using JAX-RS implemented by RESTEasy) to a general semantic framework in which each "thing" is identified by a URI. (The framework is URF <https://urf.io/>, but that's a story for another day. It's analogous to RDF.) Basically we want to issue a GET to https://example.com/{thingURI}/description to get back info about the "thing".

If we want to look up the thing identified by https://example.info/foobar, we would need to issue a request to https://example.com/https%3A%2F%2Fexample.info%2Ffoobar/description . That should be completely legal and spec-compliant, and has been since web time began.

You no doubt already know the problem: Tomcat won't allow encoded slashes unless one sets system property org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH to true. Apparently this there was a bug somewhere in Tomcat 6 <https://tomcat.apache.org/security-6.html#Apache_Tomcat_6.x_vulnerabilities> (back in 2007!) when used behind a proxy, as Mark explained on Stack Overflow <https://stackoverflow.com/a/19584499/421049>. Tomcat 6 is really old, and Mark's Stack Overflow message seems to hint that it's not an issue anymore.

I'm not one to blindly change a setting unless I know what it's doing, and complain/advocate for change if it's no longer relevant. So I'm full of questions:

 * Is this even an issue anymore? Of not, is there a reason not to make
   org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH default to true?
 * If this setting is still needed in some cases, is there any way to
   control it without resorting to a system property? (System
   properties are not very flexible, and Tomcat has many layers of more
   manipulable settings, as you all would know better than me.)
 * If we enable encoded slashes in Tomcat, do we need to do anything in
   Apache to get this to work if we put it in front of Tomcat? One
   really old Stack Overflow post
   <https://stackoverflow.com/a/4443129/421049> indicated that there
   used to be a bug with AllowEncodedSlashes not being inherited by
   Apache virtual hosts. See also
   https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/NEXUS-10570 .
 * Do we need special configuration of mod_kj? (I haven't connected
   Apache to Tomcat in a while; I'm not sure the current best
   practices. I'll have to read up on that.) The connectors
   <https://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/reference/apache.html> is
   mentioning things like ForwardURIEscaped, which looks like it may be

I'm not even sure I asked all the right questions, but basically: I want to uses encoded slashes in my request URIs. What's the latest situation on that?

Thanks in advance,


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