This is a weird one.  It started a few months ago.   I have TC 9 running on Windows Server 16.  After I reboot the entire server, Tomcat takes forever on startup.  It normally starts in about 30 seconds.  But after a server reboot it takes up to 15 minutes... chugging along at a snail's pace starting up all of the apps on all of the virtual hosts.  It always finally gets there with everything successfully running.  Other servers on the same box (Apache, JAMES, ISC BIND, MySQL) don't have any problem starting up.  CPU, Disk, Memory, etc. usages are barely showing on the performance graphs.  There's nothing in the Catalina log or system.err other than showing a couple of minute gap in the time stamp between each app as it starts up.  If I need to reboot again later, it boots again in about 30 sec as expected.

First question... any ideas off the top of your head that might be causing this?

Second question... is there any other logging I can turn on that might explain what TC is blocking on?



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