Hi James,

see below:

Am 2019-10-21 23:34, schrieb James H. H. Lampert:

Mark mentioned it before, that can also go into your apps web.xml and instead of activating it for the whole tomcat instance, can only apply to your app.

You can also remove the antiClickJacking option (antiClickJackingEnabled=false) or extend it like this:

X-Frame-Options: allow-from https://example.com/

see https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Frame-Options

But that will affect also your app.

BTW: if you add this only to your app, the system will still "fail" all security scans, as most scanners will run on IPs or the root context and then see that the headers are missing. So the other app will need a fix too.



In the filter mapping section of the web.xml add the following.


Before I installed the above filter on the customer box (which *only*
serves the webapp for our product), I tested it on our own box. And
seeing no immediate problems, I didn't bother to pull it out of our

Then I discovered that another webapp sharing the Tomcat server on our
box, one that *by design* is placed in a frame, in a page residing on
another server, had stopped working. With the filter in place, it
works fine if you go directly to the page, but it fails if you go to
the page on the other server.

That raises two questions:

1. Is there something I can set in the above code, in order to allow
this webapp to appear in the aforementioned frame where it is supposed
to appear, but not if it's put in a frame on some other arbitrary
page, elsewhere?

2. Are there other side effects of the HTTP header security filter
that I should know about? It seems that on the aforementioned customer
box, something happened recently that seems to be keeping our webapp
from exporting M$ Excel files to the user. We don't think it's related
(and have reason to believe it isn't), but one never can tell, and it
never hurts to ask.

James H. H. Lampert
(As my freshman woodshop teacher in high school was fond of saying,
"The only dumb question is the one that doesn't get asked.")

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