Hi there. I had an issue with starting a modular Java 11 app. Basically, I
was wondering why my module-info. java does not require to use 'open'
directive when using Spring Framework. I posted the question here
user Holger came with diagnosing that Tomcat loading my code as well as
Spring through a custom class loader and that is why my modules and Spring
jars are not listed when I use --show-module-resolution, neither they
appear in the classpath. To inspect is custom class loading done modular or
old style, he recommended putting
System.out.println(SomeClass.class.getModule()); somewhere in code in the
module. I did it and as a result, I got printed out 'unnamed module
@595b34e5'. So the big question is: why is this happening and how can I
resolve this? I want Tomcat to put my modules to module path normally, not
as an unnamed module.

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