Dear Mr. Schultz, et al.:

The manager password on this Tomcat server has an embedded curly brace, and an embedded question mark.

If I do this (the names have been changed to protect the innocent, and the -k!)

curl -k 

I get curl: (3) [globbing] unmatched brace in column xx

If I change the curly brace to "%7B," I get:

curl -k 

I get curl: (3) Port number ended with 'n'

And if I put the user-ID and password in with a -u clause on curl, rather than in the URL itself, I get "Unauthorized."

What is wrong here? Are there characters it simply can't tolerate in passwords, even if URL-escaped?

Or do I need to give the manager user an additional role? Currently, I have:
<user username="foo" password="b?a{r" roles="manager-gui"/>


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