On Fri, Feb 14, 2020, 15:05 James H. H. Lampert <jam...@touchtonecorp.com>

> Ladies and Gentlemen of the Tomcat List:
> We have a situation.
> Earlier today, something (we don't know what) caused the Tomcat (7.0.93)
> server on our AS/400 to go crazy, producing a 70G+ catalina.out file,
> and rendering the machine generally unresponsive.
> Once I was able to get a terminal session (through a reserved "console"
> Ethernet interface), I forcibly shut down the Tomcat server.
> Then, after saving the enormous catalina.out file, I restarted Tomcat,
> and it brought up all contexts but the ROOT (which was having
> "persistence directory" problems, which I've passed on to our Tomcat
> specialists). I tried stopping and restarting that context, with no
> change in its behavior.
> But then, I tried shutting down and restarting Tomcat again, and this
> time, it comes up, and opens the port, but no contexts start, not even
> one that's nothing more than a directory with a static web page in it!
> Anybody here have any idea what could be going wrong? It seems to get
> stuck on "Deploying web application archive"

Is this the client install where y'all upgraded the JVM from 1.7 to 1.8?

Is there a repeating stack trace in the logs? If yes, what is it?    And if
you post it, please include the complete stack trace, including any and all
"Caused by" entries

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