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On 3/9/20 16:35, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
> On 3/3/2020 2:45 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote: Jerry,
> On 3/3/20 11:46, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>>>> Where are the stdout and stderr log files written for tomcat
>>>> in AWS Linux?
> Are you talking about a Tomcat installed from the package-manager
> (yum), or one you installed yourself from an ASF distribution?
>> I installed Tomcat on AWS Linux2 EC2 instance using yum.  I
>> didn't do any type of customization of the install.  Basically
>> out-of-the-box TC 8.5 via yum.
>>>> On windows, they are just part of the logs folder. But in AWS
>>>> Linux /var/log/Tomcat I get all of the other log files.  But
>>>> no stdout/stderr.
> On *NIX systems, this file is usually just called catalina.out
>>>> Most of the info is also in Catalina.out.
> That's everything.
>> Thanks for the info.  But I'm not seeing what you are
>> describing.
>> I looked in context.xml for 'swallow output'.  No reference to
>> 'swallow output' there.
>> I started looking for catalina.sh per Calder's suggestion.
>> Apparently this installation doesn't use a catalina.sh. Couldn't
>> find it anywhere in the EC2 instance.
>> When I run TC, I get sometimes a catalina.out in the log
>> directory.  At the same time, I get a catalina.2020.03.09.out.
>> When they are both there, the dated version is always smaller.
>> Never really paid much attention to it.  Now for some reason,
>> catalina.out is not even appearing in the log folder.
>> catalina.2020.03.09.out contains all of the TC startup stuff in
>> it.  But it does not have any of my System.out.println(....) or
>> System.err.println(....) output.
>> When I was looking for catalina.sh, I found a post on the web
>> that suggested running: "systemctl status tomcat.service  -l"  I
>> ran that and got a dump of the java startup command.  But very
>> strangely, after that, it dumped all of my missing System.out and
>> System.err println output. Apparently, all of those println
>> statements were being buffered somewhere.  But I have no clue
>> what is going on.

It's systemd hand-wavy magic. Isn't is great?

>> If catalina.out stops disappearing and/or not appearing at all,
>> hopefully I can find the println output that I need there.  But
>> if catalina.out continues to not be created, I guess I could run
>> the systemctl status command to see my output.  But this it
>> pretty convoluted.
>> I guess my real question now is what is causing catalina.out to
>> not be created (I've restarted TC several times).  It used to be
>> there.  But even when it was there for a while, I would notice it
>> would disappear kinda like a log-rotation thing.  This may be
>> some sort of linux activity.  But I still need guidance on what
>> is going wrong.  I need a reliable way to see my System.out and
>> System.err output. (I have another tomcat installation on a
>> separate EC2... It has a catalina.out with all of System.out and
>> System.err output.  It also has a catalina.2020.03.09.out that
>> doesn't have my own println output.
>> How do I get catalina.out to be written?

Tomcat doesn't ship with a systemd control file, so this is likely to
be either a RedHat- or Amazon-sourced control file. Coty lurks here,
and manages those packages for RedHat. I'm not sure what happens
downstream. I'm not aware of any Amazon folks who hang out around
here, but I think you might have to ask them directly.

Not a satisfying answer, I know, but an accurate one.

- -chris
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