Because of the way the installation is dissected and distributed, I
found it easier to install from a download and use my own service
file.  Having the installation in one place also allows me to run
concurrent instances of Tomcat having different versions, and/or to
save old versions for future reference and know it's all self
contained.  apt-get installations of tomcat required I memorized three
different locations for the installation .. that wasn't good in my
case.  I'm sure others will have alternative opinions.

On 6/18/21, <> wrote:
> Hi Onno,
> On 18.06.21 07:07, Sugar Moose wrote:
>> I am using Ansible role robertdebock.tomcat to install Tomcat. This role
>> uses archives from the Tomcat site to install Tomcat. I have always
>> thought that this is a fine approach but the customer has pointed out that
>> a package install is preferred because it makes installing security
>> updates easier. This customer uses Ubuntu 18.04 and the position of the
>> InfraOps engineers is that installing Tomcat from the official Ubuntu
>> repository is always preferred.
> Installing Tomcat directly from the archives is easy and straight forward,
> in my opinion it should be perfectly fine using upstream as source (you
> should at least verify the download).
> Especially, if Tomcat plays a major role of the system (i.e. running some
> business critical applications), I would always stick to the version from
> Tomcat archives. You will end up with a more
> recent version of Tomcat, as it is actively developed, those versions will
> contain all security fixes (directly from the team and without possible
> backporting of security fixes). If you use
> CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE variables you can easily switch between
> different Tomcat versions, making it very easy to manage updates and
> possible necessary rollbacks.
> I would only stick to the distro-provided packages, if it is a small (in
> other words not that important) application running in Tomcat. Just for
> reference: With Ubuntu 18.04, you would end up
> with 9.0.16 vs. 9.0.48 (Tomcat project) or 8.5.39 vs. 8.5.68 (Tomcat
> project), which is about 2 years old software. For any errors you might get
> on distro packages, first hint would most
> likely be to update to a recent Tomcat version. Even if security fixed are
> backported by the distro, you would end up with versions missing a lot of
> fixes and improvements.
>> I don't know how exactly using apt packages makes life a lot easier when
>> it comes to security updates. I think it depends. If Ansible manages the
>> version it looks more or less the same to me. The Ansible role would have
>> an var for example tomcat_version and the value would determine the what
>> version is on the system. Updating Tomcat using Ansible would be same
>> proces: update tomcat_version var and provision the node. When Ansible is
>> not managing the version but is used for example only for the initial
>> install using Ansible package module it becomes a bit of a puzzle to
>> figure out how this would work. And also would have some drawbacks.
>> Ansible is good at configuration management and orchestration for example.
>> Apt not really.
> Yes, Ansible is much more flexible for managing the configuration and
> deployment-parts. You will need something for that task, even if you use the
> distro-provided packages.
>> What is the position / what are the thoughts on this in the Tomcat
>> community? On the Tomcat website I could find no information on package
>> install. I don't think a recommended installation approach is mentioned
>> there.
> In short: If your application in Tomcat is important, use the Tomcat archive
> up to date versions, if not distro packages might be sufficient. This might
> be challenging, if Tomcat is managed by
> the infrastructure team (from my experience, there is always a trend towards
> the distro packages, sometimes with the argument support by the distro). It
> might help, if managing the Tomcat can
> be done by the applications support/devops team (however, that might depend
> on the organisation constraints).
> hth,
> Thomas
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