Thank you Chris for the details and encouragement! :)

One question, is there any plan to broadcast this year's ApacheCon as
well?  Personally speaking, I was excited to attend my first ApacheCon
when this even went virtual. Experience was overwhelming for me.

Thanks & Regards,

On Thu, Apr 7, 2022 at 7:57 PM Christopher Schultz
<> wrote:
> All,
> [Cross-posting to dev@, please reply to users@]
> ApacheCon NA 2022 is back *in-person* in New Orleans, Louisiana. It will
> be held 3 - 6 October 2022 at the Canal Street Sheraton right next to
> the French Quarter.
> The call-for-presentations is currently open and we are looking to fill
> a 3-day track for Tomcat, so please submit your proposals today!
> (The link at the top is a little obscure, but at the top of the page
> there is a "Call for Presentations" where you can submit a proposal).
> Note that you don't have to have the presentation ready to go today in
> order to make a proposal. It's just gotta be ready around 30 seconds
> before you start to present it ;)
> (There is a tradition at ApacheCon of editing ones slides during the
> previous presentation. I don't recommend it, but anyone who is
> intimidated by the process can rest assured that even repeat-presenters
> are putting things together at the last moment.)
> Anyone who has never attended an ApacheCon should consider making this
> year their first: it's great fun, and you get to meet a lof of folks
> from all over the ASF, not just the Tomcat or httpd people, but folks
> working on projects you've never even heard of.
> If you aren't sure if you are interested in presenting, or aren't sure
> if you have the experience, knowledge, etc. to warrant a position as a
> speaker, please consider the following:
> 1. This is a welcoming community
> 2. This community exists to serve YOU
> 3. You are a part of this community
> 4. Helping others within the community encourages others to do the same
> 5. Topics can be very wide-ranging. Here are some examples of
> presentations from previous ApacheCon events:
>    [From Committers / directly about Tomcat]
>    - Running Apache Tomcat on GraalVM
>    - Tomcat in clusters and clouds
>    - Using Let's Encrypt with Tomcat
>    - Securing Tomcat
>    - Reverse-proxying Tomcat
>    - Load balancing with Tomcat
>    - Clustering with Tomcat
>    [From Non-Committers or not directly about Tomcat]
>    - Packaging Tomcat for Linux Distributions
>    - I Love Lucee -- a Java implementation of Cold Fusion
>    - Routing CDN traffic at scale using Tomcat
>    - Secure Web Applications using Apache Fortress
>    - Monitoring Tomcat; various tools
>    - Building Reactive Applications on Tomcat
>    - Troubleshooting performance using thread dumps
>    - High Throughput Production Systems on Tomcat
>    - Why I Love Open Source
>    - Introduction to Spring Boot
>    - Tomcat, TomEE, and Meecrowave
>    - Apache Tomcat: Enabling Scripting Languages in JSPs
>    If you are using Tomcat at $work and doing something interesting,
> we'd love to hear about it.
> 6. You don't need to be the foremost expert in $feature to talk about it
> 7. We are actively looking for speakers to talk about these and other
> topics:
>    - Deploying Tomcat in an auto-scaling environment (e.g. AWS EBS)
>    - Tomcat should really have [Feature X]
>    - Whatever you think might be interesting!
> Please consider speaking ESPECIALLY if you haven't done so before. If
> you are worried about whether your idea is good enough: don't. Just
> submit your idea to the CFP -- you don't have to write-up the
> presentation in order to submit an idea, just write a paragraph or two
> about what you want to do -- and the track chairpersons
> (chairpeople?[1]) will decide whether or not to include your
> presentation in the event. (And chances are good that if you submit an
> idea it will be accepted.)
> Please reply to the users list with any questions you may have about
> ApacheCon, the Tomcat track, or submitting a talk proposal.
> Thanks,
> -chris
> On behalf of all ApacheCon 2022 Tomcat Track chairpersons
> [1]
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