
> Am 11.05.2022 um 10:14 schrieb Chavez Ortiz, Oscar (Externo) 
> <oscar.chavez.exte...@vwfs.com>:
> Hello group.
> Our system is a SAP Business Object 4.2 server wich uses Tomcat 9.0.58 as web 
> container.
> We’re implementing Security Hardening for Tomcat in our BO Server server, 
> thus, i’ve configured starting configuration in java options with “– Security 
> Manager” option.

as an InfoSec and OpSec Manager in my company and a hardening fetishist I would 
recommend to review the recent comments of Marc...

In you situation I'd try to dispute the need for the implementation of Tomcat 
with Security Manager and focus on the hardening of the underlying OS/machine 
and used services. That would lead to a more substantial and durable result.

Java Security Manager has been a pain for a long time and if you don't want to 
put effort in now and then after every update of BO (or any other software), 
don't do it.

In my opinion the requirements of your hardening guidelines may be not 
appropriate for the risk level of your application (SAP BO vs. health data in 
hospitals eg). In our company I would go with a risk acceptance or even change 
the requirements - if I read about the future removal of the security manager 

Just my 2ct.


> Now, the problem is when opening SAP BO Launch Pad tool in web browser i’m 
> gettint the HTTP 500 error.
> I think that the catalina.policy file isn’t accordingly configurated and 
> there are some permissions left that aren’t implemented.
> My request is: If you have any template of catalina.policy that implements 
> Security Manager for SAP BO and you can share it i’d compare it against the 
> ours one.
> SAP Support said that Tomcat is not part of their duties because it’s a third 
> software.
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards.
> Oscar.
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