I've refactored things to the point where the unit tests run without generating any warnings for pinning. I suspect further issues will be identified over time and we can address those as they are found.


On 25/07/2023 10:21, Mark Thomas wrote:
Never mind. Pretty much as soon as I hit send I managed to trigger the issue.


On 25/07/2023 10:19, Mark Thomas wrote:

How did you trigger the pinning? I'm running some basic tests with -Djdk.tracePinnedThreads=short and I'm not seeing any pinned threads reported.


On 07/07/2023 13:45, Daniel Andres Pelaez Lopez wrote:

Thanks for letting me know. I will wait for the August release to test.


El jue, 6 jul 2023 a las 15:13, Mark Thomas (<ma...@apache.org>) escribió:

6 Jul 2023 20:09:01 Daniel Andres Pelaez Lopez <estigm...@gmail.com>:

I am aware Tomcat community did a great effort to move Tomat to
Virtual Threads friendly, but I am not sure why HTTP2 was not part of
that effort?

The plan was always to see where the bottlenecks were as folks start to
experiment with Loom support and fix issues as they arose. It helps focus
effort on where it is really needed.

These fixes look fairly simple. We should be able to get them done for
the August releases (the July releases have already been tagged). We can make -dev builds available earlier or you can build Tomcat from source to
test the changes if you are interested.

As it happens I've spent most of today looking at ThreadLocal vs
SynchronizedStack vs new Object() in various places in the Tomcat code
base without reaching a clear conclusion. Which kind of proves the point
that if we guess where bottlenecks might be we'll probably be wrong.


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