
I have a situation where I want to call an Tomcat deployed Spring
application remotely without adding the port number (8080), I had tried to
use 80 in Connector but wasn't able to connect to it when outside the LAN.
So I resorted to creating a proxy server using Apache2 Web Server (along
side the Tomcat application server).

Unfortunately when I call the app using name1.domain.com/app/login it times
out and fails.
Following are the configuration for Apache2 and Tomcat:
In server.xml (Tomcat V8)
    <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"

httpd.conf (under conf/ in Apache2)
LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
ServerName  name1.domain. <http://qadat.qfls.idealab.unical.it/>com:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
   ProxyPass /app/login http://localhost:8080/app/login
   ProxyPassReverse /app/login http://localhost:8080/app/login

To note that on the local machine tomcat returns the app through
http://localhost:8080/app/login <http://localhost:8080/qadat/login>

How to make the app requests proxied so that name1.domain.
<http://qadat.qfls.idealab.unical.it/>com/app/login works and calls the
localhost:8080/app/login to return the Tomcat Spring app

To note that DocumentRoot was added and then removed and that the app
resides in webapps/ROOT


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