On 06.11.23 18:55, William Crowell wrote:
Good afternoon,

I am running Tomcat 9.0.78 with JDK 1.8.0_371 (running with G1GC), and I am 
loading some very large Java classes into Metaspace.  I know this is not good 
practice, but I inherited this library.  These classes have business rules and 
are doing some basic primitive and array manipulations, and I am running out of 
native memory.  I don’t think there are any JNI calls in this code base.

Are there anything existing issues with the Tomcat 9 class loader?  I doubt 
there are but wanted to check.

Hi William,

when you say "I am loading some very large Java classes into Metaspace. I know this is not good practice" it does not sound like this inherited library is using tomcat's standard way of classloading - please clarify.

Also, nothing in that statement points to anything where a leak on tomcat's side would make a difference: Are you experiencing problems after reloading a webapp, or just in general operation? You might simply need to assign more metaspace to the VM for this library to operate properly.

So, this boils down to:

* How does this library load the classes into memory?

* Do you redeploy?

* What's your metaspace (and general memory) setting, and what are the conditions under which you run out of memory?

* Do you see any log message that hint at classes that won't be garbage collected because of stale references? Tomcat issues those warnings, in case you (for example) start your own background threads that keep holding the memory allocated to them.

Also: I second your doubt about Tomcat's classloader being the cause for your problems - unless proven otherwise.


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