
I would have thought that multiple requests for the same user should not
have any impact on the tomcat as long as the server logic does not try to
modify the same session data simultaneously. Probably using the synchronized
keyword here may be required.

The request data modifications should not have any problems.

I have not actually seen this happening, so it will be interesting what
others have to say about this.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:18 PM
To: users@tomcat.apache.org
Subject: Tomcat + Multiple Request

Hi All,

I use Tomcat 5.5.9.

My application opens multiple "pop-up" (window.open). Each of these
"pop-ups" send one request for information.
The main window (browser) still opens and the user can open multiple
"pop-ups" at the same time.

The problem i have is concerning the time of response. It's very slow if
the user opens up to 5 windows.
I've read that Http specification preconizes the use of 2/4 multiple
requests for the same session id/ browser. Is this correct ?
I'm not sure if i can let this multiple request happens, knowing that it
might impact the way browser manages the request/response...

What would you recommend as possible solution? Should i limit the number
of pop-ups, which would impact my functional specification ? :(
Is there any configuration to be done in terms of Tomcat ?

Thank you for your attention,

Thiago de Almeida

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