On 09/02/2024 13:47, Alex O'Ree wrote:
I've been experimenting with tomcat 9.x in seeing how long i can get a web
socket session to last. I'm currently struggling to get past 30 minutes or
so. Looking for guidance on how to best increase this or if this is a bad

Here's the current configuration and what i've tried thus far:

The server continuously streams messages the client, about 1 per second
The client periodically (every 30 seconds) sends a keep alive text message
back to the server
The server side endpoint sets the Session.setTimeout(0); according to the
docs, this should prevent timeouts
The server side WAR file/WEB-INF/web.xml had a session timeout defined at
15 minutes but i then removed it in order to increase the websocket

Despite all this, both the client and server log a session disconnect, but
i'm still not sure what the reasoning is. I'm still assuming it's some kind
of timeout mechanism.

I think you need to do a little more investigation with your application. I've been running the snake WebSocket example on 9.0.x for over any hour wihtout any issues.


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