Hi Robert,
  I just wanted to say that I have been using the XMLHTTP object for about 7
years now (since IE 5x), and over the years have  used various versions of
tomcat, 4.x-5.0.x-5.5.12, with Apache 2.0.x using mod_jk for the connector
and do not recall every seeing the issues you are talking about, at least
not enough to be noticeable, but I'll have a look to see if I can see
anything of the sort.  As a note, currently using Tomcat 5.5.12, Apache
2.0.46, mod_jk 1.2.15.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Posted At: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:57 AM
Posted To: Tomcat Dev
Conversation: Problems with IE6, AJP1.3, Apache httpd and tomcat
Subject: Problems with IE6, AJP1.3, Apache httpd and tomcat


I am having some big difficulties using AJP.
(running on linux)
Apache HTTP Server 2.2.0
Jakarta Tomcat 5.5.7

I use AJP1.3 to forward requests from the HTTP Server to Tomcat using
standard settings.
Sometimes when using Internet Explorer 6 the requests seem to get stuck
somewhere. The requests arrive in the HTTP Server, but arrive at the Tomcat
server minutes later. And the body seems to have been stripped away when it
arrives in the servlet in Tomcat.
This only happens with Internet Explorer 6, and not in Mozilla Firefox. 
It also seems to happen when not sending requests for several minutes from
the browser. After one request has "failed" the next ones seem to work
again. Maybe it is relevant to note that the browser uses the XMLHTTP
component to send requests (ajax web application).

Using google I found a message in a mail archive. Not sure if it basically
is the same problem, but it sounded similar.


Does someone has some suggestions? Is it a bug in IE6 or mod_jk? How can I
fix it?
Any help is appreciated.


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