> On May 9, 2024, at 01:25, Mark Foley <mfo...@novatec-inc.com> wrote:
>> Does the JSP need to reference the "program" (servlet?) at all? 
> The program, as shown above didn'twork at all until I put that servlet 
> definition on WEB-INF/web.xml, so I suppose the answer is "yes". As to why, I 
> have not a clue.

A reading of the servlet spec might be in order here. Servlets (including JSPs) 
are selected based on the mapping of the <url-pattern> to the <servlet-name>.

>> When you make a request, Tomcat determines which servlet in your application 
>> will service the request. If that's a JSP, then the JSP is invoked. A JSP 
>> just compiles to a servlet, just as if you had written a .java file with a 
>> class that "extends HttpServlet" or similar.
>> It's not clear what "the program" is: JSP or servlet? Or something else? 
> The programs are written in Java/JSP and, yes, Tomcat "compiles" them to 
> .class -- probably servlets.

No probably about it - JSPs are always compiled into servlets. “Program” is too 
generic a term to be used here - you need to be specific with what you’re 
talking about: servlets you coded and compiled, or JSPs that Tomcat turns into 
servlets. It’s hard to figure out exactly what you’re really talking about.

> I think I may have figured this out. Here are my two servlet definitions in 
> WEB-INF/web.xml:
>   <servlet>
>               <servlet-name>uploadfile</servlet-name>
>   <jsp-file>/schDistImportResults.jsp</jsp-file>
>               <multipart-config>
>                   <location>/tmp</location>
>   <max-file-size>20848820</max-file-size>
>   <max-request-size>418018841</max-request-size>
>   <file-size-threshold>1048576</file-size-threshold>
>               </multipart-config>
>   </servlet>
>   <servlet-mapping>
>                <servlet-name>uploadfile</servlet-name>
>   <url-pattern>/schDistImportResults.jsp</url-pattern>
>   </servlet-mapping>
>   <servlet>
>               <servlet-name>*upload1099*</servlet-name>

I presume the asterisks are not actually present in your config.

>               <jsp-file>/1099R-Etrans.jsp</jsp-file>
>               <multipart-config>
>                   <location>/tmp</location>
>   <max-file-size>20848820</max-file-size>
>   <max-request-size>418018841</max-request-size>
>   <file-size-threshold>1048576</file-size-threshold>
>               </multipart-config>
>   </servlet>
>   <servlet-mapping>
>                <servlet-name>*upload1099*</servlet-name>
>   <url-pattern>/1099R-Etrans.jsp</url-pattern>
>   </servlet-mapping>
> In the 2nd definition, Taking Chuck's hint, I changed the servlet-name to 
> "upload1099". That seemed to work for the 1099R-Etrans.jsp program, but I 
> haven't been able to test the schDistImportResults.jsp program yet to see if 
> I broke that one. Why these definitions are needed in web.xml and how all 
> that works under the hood is, as Chuck said, "magic”.

It’s not magic at all - it’s how servlet selection works, as defined in the 
servlet spec. The “magic” was your expectation that servlets with the same name 
could co-exist. You need the web.xml entries because you have extra 
configuration items (the <multipart-config> settings) that aren’t part of the 
default JSP servlet definition.

  - Chuck

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