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Edd Dawson wrote:
> I have a server setup as follows:
> Apache [httpd] -> mod_jk2 -> tomcat

Stop right there. Delete mod_jk2. Forget it ever existed (everyone else
has). Install mod_jk. Okay, now go:

> There are a number of webapps served by tomcat:
> /ROOT -> available on http://www.mydomainname.com/
> /webapp2 ->available on http://www.mydomainname.com/webapp2
> /webapp3 -> available on http://www.mydomainame.com/webapp3
> Now this all works fine, but now I need to add a php forum site onto the
> server on the same domain name and have it served on
> http://www.mydomainname.com/forum
> Trouble is that I cannot for the life of me figure out how to configure this
> without moving my /ROOT webapp off the URL http://www.mydomainname.com/ and
> into a subdirectory.

Why? Just don't map /forum/*.php to mod_jk. What do your JkMount
directives look like?

> Can anyone confirm whether what I want to do is at all possible, and if so
> give any pointers as to where i need to be looking to configure it?

I have all kinds of things happening with Apache httpd -> mod_jk ->
Tomcat. You can map anything you want. Static content served by Apache
httpd while dynamic stuff comes from TC? Of course. Multiple TC
instances within the same URL space? Done. Some TC, some PHP, some CGI?
Why not? It's all easy.

- -chris
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