I wold STRONLY recommend you DO NOT touch the CLASSPATH env variable. It's just a horrible idea. What is it about your webservice that requires the alteration of CLASSPATH? Can you describe that a bit more? The standard classloader structure works very well in virtually all other cases.


Tomás Tormo wrote:
Hi again

I've tried to set the classpath in catalina.sh in order to have my own classpath set when tomcat starts up ( I show it in catalina.sh as well and it looks good). But my problem is that when I show it in my webservice (using System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.class.path"))) it is changed again (it only points to a few jar files in /bin folder) and therefore my webservice can't work properly. Shouldn't it be pinting to my my /webapp/webservice/WEB-INF/lib folder as well? Does anybody know how to fix this problem?

Hakan: I've tried the solution you gave me (create a setenv.sh script called from startup.sh) but tomcat don't start up!

Thank you very much for your future answers :p

Tomás Tormo escribió:
Hi Hakan

First of all thank you for your fast answer ;).

Do you mean to create an script called setenv.sh wich will set the CLASSPATH (by export CLASSPATH.. etc)? This script should be called by a modified startup.sh?

By they way, I printed the CLASSPATH in my webservice (using System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.class.path")); ) and it says that my CLASSPATH is only pointing to a few jars in the bin folder, not even to my /lib folder in my webservice folder (I hope I explained myself well, I'm not using war files). Shouldn't it be pointing to my /webapp/webservice/WEB-INF/lib folder as well?

Thank you!!


Hakan Koseoglu escribió:
Hi Tomás,
Tomás Tormo said the following on 09/10/2007 08:26 AM:
I would like to change the classpath for a concrete webservice in Tomcat 5.028 because the webservice has to use a concrete folder in order to work. This folder should be in the CLASSPATH in order to make the webservice work properly and because the webservice can't find it, it doesn't work.
With Tomcat 5, creating a setenv.sh solves the problem for me. It gets called if you start the Tomcat using startup.sh.

Any variable you define there will be used, including the classpath. We use it to point to the libraries which we don't put into common/lib nor war files.

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