No comment on the whole bean construct other than to say that's too complicated for my tastes.

My personal preference on the whole resources inside of WEB-INF front is to just place the resources outside of WEB-INF. Then configure a security constraint or write a filter on the request to handle access control. Just seems easier to me.


Chris Pat wrote:
Hi David
I did it partially this way, and it works. My objects in the js file are executing. <bean:page id="context" property="request"/>
<bean:define id="myServletContext">http://<bean:write name="context"  property="serverName"/>:<bean:write name="context" 
property="serverPort"/><bean:write name="context" property="contextPath"/>/</bean:define>

  <title>decarta javascript api example</title>
  <script language="JavaScript"  type="text/javascript" src="<bean:write 
name="myServletContext"/>/extPages/myScripts.js"><!-- --></script>

However I still get the "Permission denied to call  I 
thought by putting a jsp:forward outside my WEB-INF and calling it internally from 
localhost I would avoid that and worry about how to access it from Internet; now I 
first have to get around this security issue on localhost so I can test and ass-ume 
it will also allow access from browsers externally.

David Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
As for that last bit, I have found
that you can specify the path as /FolderInWebApp/Script/myScript.js
You still need either the context path or make it relative to the page's URL or the client won't be able to resolve it. This doesn't work like the jsp internals that are aware of the context path.


Nathan Bahr wrote:
hmm what exactly do you need ajax for? From my recollection, ajax is
simply a method of making mini-requests to the server so the interaction
with your webapp is a bit more fluid. As for that last bit, I have found
that you can specify the path as /FolderInWebApp/Script/myScript.js
instead of using the fully qualified name. When you start the path with
'/' it looks in the base webapp directory. Lemme know if this helps any.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/10/07 3:23 PM >>>
Any tips on serving a ajax page with tomcat?  I am now calling the page
with a jsp:forward outside of the web-inf.  Do I also have to fully unc
path to the *.js files, like
src=localhost:8080/context/intPages/myScripts.js ?

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