When you don't give your browser get a port number, it assumes port 80 which is the registered, well known port for web traffic as defined by the IANA. Production websites all listen on port 80 which is why you never have to put it in your URLs to Google for example. The entire list of these well known, registered ports is available at http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers

The default port as found in the server.xml file of a fresh downloaded tomcat is 8080 to avoid possible conflicts with a production web server if one happens to be on the same box. There's also a legacy restriction in unix/linux distribution that only the root user can use ports less than 1024. These days there are ways to get around that with port mapping or the commons-daemon project (http://commons.apache.org/daemon). On a Windows system with no other web server software, you should be able to just change the port number from 8080 to 80 in your server.xml and restart the service. Then you can hit your tomcat w/o the port number.


jdpl wrote:

how come when I'm accessing a page on my local apache, i always have to put
in the port number, e.g:


but when i'm accessing a remote website, i never put in the port number. Is
there anyway I can configure my tomcat to not use the port number?


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