K S wrote:
Thanks a lot Rainer! The problem as you guessed was with the Vhost.
After putting the JkMounts in the global server configuration, it

I started using the VHost (though now I have realised I don't need
them at all since I am not hosting more than one website on a single
server) because the automatically generated mod_jk.conf file had the
JkMounts within the VHost tags.

I have one clarification:

(A) <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="bacis.vm.acis.intranet">

Throw this listener out. It's only used for automatic configuration
generation, which is partially broken, and you've got a configuration

I would prefer to use the automatic configuration since it seems to
nicely include all the necessary JkMounts for each webapp in the
'webapps' directory. It saves me the extra step of having to modify
the mod_jk.conf file for each new webapp I add. But like I said, the
automatically generated mod_jk.conf file puts all the JkMounts in to
<VirtualHost localhost> <VirtualHost> set of tags. If I comment this
out and then restart apache it seems to work fine. Do you have any
suggestions on how this can be overcome or would it just be better to
avoid this auto generated file (since you say it is partially broken)

Thanks again!

I would say, the auto-generated file might give you an easy start for a configuration, but for production purposes you might like to have a look at the connectors docs pages, especially concerning Apache config and workers.properties, to adjust the config to your needs.



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