Hi guys,
I want to serve a site with few graphics so I decided to use Tomcat 5.5 as my 
server.  But I'm having difficulty getting  it to  run on port 80.  I read 
http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/l-secjav.html and decided to try 
xinetd.  I added this to /etc/xinetd/:
# Redirects any port 80 requests to port 8180 (to Tomcat)
service tomcat
    socket_type    = stream
    protocol    = tcp
    user        = root
    wait        = no
    port        = 80
    redirect    = localhost 8180
    disable        = no
it works great on that machine if I point my browser but remotely I get zilch.  
I've tried plugging in my ip address instead of localhost: zilch.  Could anyone 
point me in the right  direction?

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