Hi Rainer,

Thanks for your prompt response. I understand from your response that TOMCAT
JMX doesnt provide me a way to access the AJP Queue. Does linux environment
provide a way. Though your alternate suggestion is helpful I am trying to
gather as much info I can.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Rainer Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> SriSri schrieb:
> > Well I am trying to post this message from Nabble and its not getting
> posted
> > per their site message, I been trying to resend the message since 2
> hours. I
> > know the pain of spam and I dont intend to spam, was trying to post a
> > genuine query. Thats all.
> >
> > Thanks for your help
> OK. At the moment Nabble seems to be quite behind. Marc seems to be
> up-to-date:
> http://marc.info/?l=tomcat-user&r=1&b=200803&w=2
> Answer to your question: see below.
> > Sri
> >
> > On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 3:54 PM, Rainer Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Please stop spaming the list. Sending the same question five times in
> 90
> >> minutes will most likely annoy everyone and reduce the chance to get an
> >> answer to an absolute minimum.
> >>
> >> Rainer
> >>
> >> SriSri schrieb:
> >>>  Hi,
> >>>
> >>>    I am trying to find a way to access AJP Queue through JMX. If it is
> >>> possible with JMX or any other way let me know. I am using Tomcat
> 5.5.20and
> >>> I have clusters configured. I want to know whether the AJP Queue is
> full
> >> or
> >>> not. Appreciate if anyone has any idea how to go about.
> Concerning your question: Tomcat doesn't have a request queue. It uses
> two design elements:
> - a thread pool
> - the usual connection backlog of the operating system
> The thread pool gets configured in the Connector element (server.xml).
> It has an initial size, a maximum size and further parameters to define
> growing and shrinking w.r.t varying load.
> The TCP connection backlog is operating systen specific and Tomcat only
> configures its maximal length. Apart from that Tomcat is agnostic of the
> backlog.
> Caution: I'm talking about the default connector. Other connectors
> (tcnative also known as APR, or the NIO connector in TC 6) have a
> different design.
> I guess what you want to know is, if your Tomcat is able to cope with
> the load. If not, you will very quickly see the thread pool increasing
> the number of threads until it reaches the configured maximum. So having
> a look at the thread pool size is a good indicator. Each pool has an
> MBean in JMX with name ThreadPool. There you can see the
> currentThreadCount and the currentThreadsBusy.
> But: Ajp uses persistent connections. So an established connection can
> be busy even if the thread handling it doesn't have to work on a request
> and is simply waiting (possibly for a long time) for the next request.
>  From the point of view of the MBean, it will then be busy. From the
> point of view of request load, it is idle :(
> To increase the precision of the observation, you can use the
> connectionTimeout on the Connector, to allow Tomcat to close AJP
> connections, that didn't send a new request for some time. Don't go to
> extremes, because those will hurt performance. To check how far away
> from thread pool exhaustion you are, it's not necessary to configure
> extremely short connectionTimeouts. a Timeout between one and then
> minutes is fine in most cases.
> The ultimate answer to "how many requests are we processing now" is
> looking at a thread dump (kill -QUIT, goes to catalina.out).
> Unfortunately you shouldn't really do that in monitoring.
> Rainer
> >>> Thanks
> >>> Sri
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