I see the problem. You could use absolute paths in jsp includes and the servlet container would understand them as relative to the webapp's root as opposed to the server's root:

Say you have this file layout

|    index.jsp
|    article1
|        index.jsp
|        article1.html
|    article2
|        index.jsp
|        article1.html

article2/index.jsp could simply have <jsp:include file="/article1/article1.html" /> and it would find article1.html in the article1 folder.


I previously asked about remapping URLs and got some helpful responses. In a nutshell, this was recommended:

Looks very good for some purposes.

But I also want to solve a much simpler problem--

I have a very large amount of static content (articles), with each article in its own directory. A main Table of Contents links to the start page in each directory, which is *not* index.html (eg some-main-page.html). I don't want to rename or change those pages as they have world-wide direct links to them--they have to stay as-is. But I do want to insert an index.jsp page without altering any content.

For many of these folders inserting a trival index.jsp solves the index-page problem:
<%@ include file="the-main-page.html" %>

(though I do wonder if google consider this unacceptable duplicate content)

My pages all use relative links eg "..", "./", etc. So this works ***when the page being included is in the same directory**.

But when the include page is in another directory, none of the relative links work. None of these variants do the right thing; any referenced images cannot be found.

<%@ include  file="../ReviewInfo.html" %>
<jsp:include file="../ReviewInfo.html" %>
<jsp:forward page="../some-other-page.html" />

The jsp:forward directive seems perfect, but the flaw of not changing the current location (eg no "cd" is done first) makes it useless for this purpose. Or does it? Is there something I'm missing here?

Alternately, is there some other trivial solution?

URL-rewriting is not appropriate in this case; there is no particular pattern, just a fair number of specific cases. I was hoping for a simple 1-line index.jsp in each directory.


Lloyd Chambers

[Mac OS X 10.5.2 Intel, Tomcat 6.0.16]

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