I used Comodo a couple of years ago. Only changed vendors when the university started a contract w/ another vendor and offered them to departments for free. Never had a problem with Comodo although I did have to make sure the certificate chain was available to the client. That got me around the whole browser trust problem back when Comodo wasn't well known.


Christopher Schultz wrote:
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Christopher Schultz wrote:
| All,
| I'm asking the Tomcat community this because everyone always surprises
| me with their wide customer experiences.
| I need to get new SSL certs for a domain name switch we're doing, soon.
| VeriSign's SGC/EV SSL certs are ridiculously expensive and so I'm
| looking for alternatives. Comodo offers a product that is
| indistinguishable (to me) to VeriSign's SGC/EV cert, but it costs 1/4 as
| much.
| Does anyone have any experience with Comodo? Specifically, has anyone
| run across any customers whose browsers do not trust Comodo as a CA?
| Thanks,
| -chris

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