David Rees wrote:
I posted a couple messages to the user/dev lists last week asking the
same question,
There is no need to cross-post.

but still haven't seen any mention of a plan to release
a new 5.5.x or 4.1.x to fix the security issues posted at the
beginning of the month.

Is there a plan to push a new release for either 5.5.x or 4.1.x or
should end users assume that we're on our own regarding these two
versions and we should either patch/build them ourselves or upgrade to
6.0.x which does appear to be maintained?
Current status is maintained at http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/TomcatVersions

A Tomcat 4.1.x release is in the works - I have a couple more patches I need to apply and one bug I want to make sure is fixed before I start the release process.

The 5.5.x release depends on Filip's availability.

It appears that both branches already have all the required security
patches applied to them so I don't see what the hold up is here. Are
there other changes applied to the branches which need to be tested?
I'm more than happy to help with testing where I can.

Any testing you can do once the releases are up for voting woudl be appreciated.


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