Hello !

    I am developing a web site for a company and I've received the design from 
the designer. I am using apache turbine, so I have cut the design into 
navigations, screens, and layers. However when I am putting everything together 
the images are a little bit larger than in the original design. This is a 
problem because the image contains text which becomes blurry, and some spacer  
and separator images are not shown in the right place.

The interesting thing is, that I have copied the original design to the tomcat 
webapps dir (which is not cut into navigations and screens, just a html file 
with css and images) and when I open it through tomcat it is shown in the same 
way (blurry). I have tried to change the image format from jpg to gif but it 
does the same thing.
Has somebody met the same problem ? Can you suggest me some ways to fix this ?

Thanks in advance !

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