I'd like to confirm that I am trying the right things in fixing a memory
error and discover what else I can do to resolve my problem. I realise
this is a common problem as I have Googled, read the Tomcat memory FAQ
and searched the mailing lists. I have tried looking at catalina.out
however I am not a java programmer.

I am getting a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error using
an application on the below configuration:

Tomcat 5.5.26
CentOS 5.2 Linux 2.6.18-53.el5

Tomcat runs fine, the application extracts ok, my error occurs 16
seconds after trying to upload a 6MB XML file to the application. I am
running Tomcat using jsvc.
To try and fix the error I have appended:

JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xms512M -Xmx1620M"

to bin/catalina.sh

I am starting jsvc with -Xms512M -Xmx1620M.
Of 2026MB my system is using 1859MB of memory.

I can upload smaller files to the application, I'd like to be able to
upload larger ones too. I'd be very grateful if someone could suggest
what else I might try to resolve this directly or another route to
diagnosing the issue.

Thank you,


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