Hi folks,

some background-information first:

OS      : Debian (Etch)
Tomcat: Tomcat 5.5.26
Java     : 1.5.014

I've compiled jsvs (which is running) and tomcat-native.

I've copied all compiler-output from tomcat-native to $catalina-home/lib:

-rw-r--r-- 1 tomcat tomcat 1506416 2008-08-26 15:49 libtcnative-1.a
-rwxr-xr-x 1 tomcat tomcat     918 2008-08-26 15:49 libtcnative-1.la
lrwxrwxrwx 1 tomcat tomcat      23 2008-08-26 15:49 libtcnative-1.so
-> libtcnative-1.so.0.1.12
lrwxrwxrwx 1 tomcat tomcat      23 2008-08-26 15:49 libtcnative-1.so.0
-> libtcnative-1.so.0.1.12
-rwxr-xr-x 1 tomcat tomcat  855359 2008-08-26 15:49 libtcnative-1.so.0.1.12
drwxr-xr-x 2 tomcat tomcat    4096 2008-08-26 15:49 pkgconfig

I've defined an environment-entry LD_LIBRARY_PATH in my
jsvc-startup-script, also I've specified java.library-path.

However, when I run Tomcat, there's no message neither in
tomcat.log.INFO nor catalina.out that Tomcat is using APR.

This is my Tomcat-native-startup-script:

export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/apps/tomcat/tomcat55/lib"

# for multi instances adapt those lines.


case "$1" in
    # Start Tomcat
    #$DAEMON_HOME/src/native/unix/jsvc \
    echo "Starting tomcat"
    $DAEMON_HOME/bin/jsvc \
    -user $TOMCAT_USER \
    -home $JAVA_HOME \
    -Dcatalina.home=$CATALINA_HOME \
    -Dcatalina.base=$CATALINA_BASE \
    -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMP_DIR \
    -Dlog4j.configuration=log4j.xml \
    -Djava.library.path=/apps/tomcat/tomcat55/lib \
    -wait 10 \
    -pidfile $PID_FILE \
    -outfile $CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.out \
    -errfile '&1' \
    -cp $CLASSPATH \
    # To get a verbose JVM
    #-verbose \
    # To get a debug of jsvc.
    #-debug \
    exit $?

    # Stop Tomcat
    echo "Stopping tomcat"
    $DAEMON_HOME/bin/jsvc \
    -stop \
    -pidfile $PID_FILE \
    exit $?

    echo "Usage tomcat.sh start/stop"
    exit 1;;

This is the output if tomcat.log.info:

2008-08-27 17:43:33,808 INFO                    [main]: Initializing
Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-
2008-08-27 17:43:33,813 INFO                    [main]: Initializing
Coyote AJP/1.3 on ajp-
2008-08-27 17:43:33,813 INFO                    [main]: Initialization
processed in 1318 ms
2008-08-27 17:43:33,938 INFO                    [main]: Starting
service Catalina
2008-08-27 17:43:33,946 INFO                    [main]: Starting
Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/5.5.26
2008-08-27 17:43:34,298 INFO                    [main]: XML validation disabled
2008-08-27 17:43:37,285 INFO                    [main]: Deploying web
application archive WebDemoEN.war
2008-08-27 17:43:37,635 INFO                    [main]: Deploying web
application archive WebDemoDE.war
2008-08-27 17:43:37,882 INFO                    [main]: Deploying web
application archive WebMailer.war
2008-08-27 17:43:38,970 INFO                    [main]: Starting
Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-
2008-08-27 17:43:39,042 INFO                    [main]: Starting
Coyote AJP/1.3 on ajp-
2008-08-27 17:43:39,080 INFO                    [main]: Find registry
server-registry.xml at classpath resource
2008-08-27 17:43:39,170 INFO                    [main]: Server startup
in 5356 ms

catalina.out is empty

Now my questions:

If I'm not mistaken, Tomcat should state in tomcat.log.INFO that it is
using APR, right? So according to the above tomcat.log.INFO, is it
true that in my case Tomcat is not using the APR?

If so: Does anybody have a hint why Tomcat is not using the APR?



what's puzzlin' you, is the nature of my game
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