Due to the announce security bug http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2008-2938 I wanted to upgrade tomcat from 6.0.14 to 6.0.18.

Tomcat is running on a VPS on a Linux box with kernel 2.6.18. The application has been running for a while without any problems with tomcat 6.0.14. Load is difficult to measure due to invisible load on host-system.

After the upgrade, I got the following problems:

* running with the NIO http connector, tomcat crashed with a 'Too many open files' exception
java.io.IOException: Too many open files
        at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketChannelImpl.accept0(Native Method)
        at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketChannelImpl.accept(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.NioEndpoint$Acceptor.run(NioEndpoint.java:
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

* running with the apr connector, tomcat crashed silently, even when shutting down it complained about threads it didn't managed to shut down.

* with apr and blocking http connector, I got problems with cookies-handling and the advise to use Base64 encoding for cookies.

After two month struggling to get tomcat in a stable state, I switched back to tomcat 6.0.14 with the original NIO connector:
    <Connector port="80"
               maxSpareThreads="20" />
and everything worked without problems again. I made sure that I didn't use 'allowLinking' so I'm not in danger of the vulnerability.

I hope somebody has some ideas what has gone wrong. I would like to known what I should look for when upgrading the next time.

Best regards,


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