br1 wrote:
I managed to schedule a few thread dumps (3, with a 5 seconds interval) and
a Tomcat restart in case of troubles, and just implemented some more
logging. I kept the faulty Tomcat app running all day. There were three failures today, but thanks to the logging I just added I
can be only sure about the last one, and it was blocking the whole site. As
usual, a simple Tomcat restart cured the whole site hang.
The HTTP error the application gives, as well as the error of the site root
(that BTW is a static html page) simply is: The connection with the server
was terminated abnormally
Very strangely, an (automated) netstat in this last event shows just four
(4) ESTABLISHED connections on the Tomcat server from the IIS server when
everything was failing.

Can you provide the netstat (because of having a look at other connection stati aprt from ESTABLISHED).

I am enclosing the last thread dump here, hoping it could shed some light.

Unfortunately the thread dumps show that Tomcat is basically idle. Three threads are connected to the redirector and wait for the next request, and one thread actually works on a request (ag_005fclassifschemes JSP).

A few additional threads are sitting idle in the pool, waiting for handling future connections.

The picture is the same in all 3 dumps.



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