PetrS schrieb:
> Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
> And what about Eclipse JDT Runtime Binary? Are these also renamed into
> jasper-jdt.jar? The same reason?

Here it's slightly different: The jar file used to include JDT is named
non-standard, but the classes contained in it still have the original
org.eclipse.jdt package names. JDT is used by Tomcat to compile JSPs.

> There are also some other dependencies which doesn't seem to be used on
> Solaris and can be removed from build.xml:
> tcnative-1.dll, nsis.exe. Are these used just on Windows?

nsis.exe: Nullsoft Installer, Windows only
tcnative-1.dll: Tomcat Native connector. For Windows we provide a
prepackaged installer which includes tcnative. For all other platforms
you have to download, compile and install tcnative yourself (if you want
to use it). So the dll in build.xml is only relevant for Windows, but
providing a could be an optional task when including
Tomcat into an OpenSolaris distribution.



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