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André Warnier wrote:
> When I started in this business, 64 Kb was a nice quantity of memory to
> program in, and quite expensive too. I created and ran a payroll
> application for a 1,000 people company in there.  This Java app looks a
> lot cuter than the payroll did, but 500 Megabyte of memory for one
> single Tomcat app, mmm.  Some reflexes remain for a lifetime.

If you're concerned about the amount of memory used by your process,
feel free to trim the heap back. Our application served thousands of
requests per day on a 64MB heap for a long time before we had to bump it up.

If you give Java room, it'll take it. If you constrain your heap, GCs
will simply happen more frequently. If it takes a lot of time and memory
to start up, but the steady-state behavior doesn't require too much
memory, then a smaller heap might actually be a good idea. That will
certainly leave more memory for other processes and make your 'top'
output look less scary.

- -chris
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