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Chandra Madhumanchi (cmadhuma) wrote:
> Do we have any solution ssl 2 way configuration on tamcat webserver
> through .Net Client

If you're just trying to connect to Tomcat using SSL from a .Net client,
there's no special configuration when using a non-.Net client.

> when i am validating client certificate by using .net class(sslStream)
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.security.sslstream.as
> px
> i am getting error like SSPI failed.

This list isn't the best one to ask .Net questions. Generally, the
client certificate is delivered FROM the client (your .Net code) to the
server (Tomcat). Is Tomcat giving you the error, or is .Net giving you
the error?

Please post the entire stack trace of the exception you are getting, as
well as any message you are getting in a log file. "like SSPI failed" is
not very precise.

> clientAuth="true" 
> keystoreFile="server.keystore"

This looks okay. Does your keystore have the client's certificate in it?
What about a certificate that has signed the client's certificate?
Perhaps a dump of your keystore would be helpful, too.

Can you get this to work through a web browser? Honestly, the .Netedness
of the client is irrelevant.

- -chris
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